Our Clear Action-Based Refund Guarantee On All "Experience" Purchases

I know that if you follow this program to the T, you will get hooked and believe for yourself that this works. Yes, you will need to make tweaks and follow the protocols in the program for pivoting in different scenarios, but this is how so many students are seeing success. However, in order to avoid pirating and fraud, we/I offer an action-based refund guarantee. You and Adam both make a commitment to put your full 100% effort into it, and understand that "pivoting" and reading data is absolutely essential to making this work.

This strategy works. If you end up trying to piece together different parts of this strategy with another strategy, it will NOT work. So it's important you interact with the group, watch the videos several times and trust the process. Dozens of students have made a good living from this. There is no reason why you can't strike success as well.

This is the best opportunity to create a successful business. If you can’t commit to this, then more than likely, it’s going to be tough to stumble across something better.

*In order to qualify for a refund you have to respect the work and effort put into this program and follow it!! So you must do the following within 90 days:

Criteria #1: You Have Attended At Least 20 Live Zoom Calls

We ask that you participate in a minimum of 20 live Zoom calls within 90 days. Your attendance can be seen in the call roster for each call, so please be sure to make these calls and implement what you learn.

Criteria #2: You Have Completed At Least 5 Marketing Reviews

We ask that you have at least 5 marketing reviews completed by our expert coaches. It's very important that you request these reviews at the specified times in the Quick-Start Guide, and implement the changes ASAP. We've scheduled strategic reviews when you will need them most, so please be sure to reach out to the appropriate team when that time comes, and again, implement their recommended changes before proceeding to the next step.

Criteria #3: You Have Utilized Our Professional V.A. Team

We ask that you use our professional team of virtual assistants to build out your marketing materials. Our team has been trained by Adam himself, and will be able to get you up to speed much quicker than you would be able to on your own. They have an eye for what currently works, and have mastered our proprietary tools, so it's to your advantage to have their help.

Criteria #4: You Have Shared & Updated Your P&L Spreadsheet

We ask that you have shared your Profit & Loss Spreadsheet with our support team, and have kept it up to date. The sheet should be updated daily. We also ask that you alert our support team when you reach the following ad spend milestones: $2,000, $4,000, $6,000, $8,000, and $10,000. To notify us of these milestones as they occur, email us at [email protected]. In order to qualify for the guarantee you must have alerted our team at each of the above 5 ad spend levels, and given us time to weigh in with suggestions for improvement..

Criteria #5: You Have Spent At Least $10,000 On Ads

We ask that you have spent a minimum of $10,000 USD in ad spend on the specific traffic sources taught inside the program. It's rare that anyone hits on a winning campaign out of the gate, which is why we ask you spend at least $10k on the process, testing and tweaking your marketing until fruitful. Please remember to alert our support team when you reach the following ad spend milestones mentioned above: $2,000, $4,000, $6,000, $8,000, and $10,000. To notify us of these milestones as they occur, email us at [email protected]. In order to qualify for the guarantee you must have alerted our team at each of the above 5 ad spend levels, and given us time to weigh in with suggestions for improvement.